Restaurants within 2 kms of Hunter River, Prince Edward Island

Listing 4 restaurants in and around Hunter River.

Hunter River is a municipality that holds community status in Prince Edward Island. It is located in Queens County southwest of North Rustico. It is situated on the Hunter River.

marker1 0.11 kms
Photo showing PEI Preserve Co.

New Glasgow on the Clyde, RR #2 Hunter River PO, HUNTER RIVER, Prince Edward Island C0A 1N0


marker2 1.71 kms

19398 Route 2, Greenvale, HUNTER RIVER, Prince Edward Island C0A 1N0

The idea of afternoon tea is very relaxing and enjoyable all by itself on Prince Edward Island.

The B&B in Greenvale and Grandma's Afternoon Tea Room offer you the place, the hat, the tea, and opportunity.

marker3 0.21 kms

4327 Route 13, HUNTER RIVER, Prince Edward Island C0A1N0


marker4 0.12 kms

19777 Route #2, HUNTER RIVER, Prince Edward Island C0A 1N0

Subs / Sandwiches

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