Restaurants within 2 kms of Belfast, Prince Edward Island

There are no dining options available within 2 kms of Belfast. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Belfast is a rural municipality in Prince Edward Island. It is located in southeastern Queens County in the townships of Lot 57 and Lot 58.

marker1 4.75 kms
Photo showing Point Prim Chowder House

2150 Point Prim Road, POINT PRIM, Prince Edward Island C0A1A0

Take a scenic drive to Point Prim and dine next to the Islands oldest lighthouse,.

marker2 5.02 kms
Photo showing Point Prim Chowder House

2150 Point Prim Road, BELFAST, Prince Edward Island C0A 1A0


marker3 6.41 kms

13056 Shore Road, BELLE RIVER, Prince Edward Island C0A 1B0

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