
Restaurants in Newfoundland

Exploring Newfoundland brings you closer to your true self. This is a big place with a lot to see and do, so take your time. Hike the rugged coast where whales frolic at your feet, dance jigs and reels, eat food with funny-sounding names, gaze at a glacier-carved fjord, spot icebergs and then rest in the orange silence of an autumn forest as you listen for moose.

It is the place where land, water and sky embrace like old friends. At the edge of North America there is adventure as big as the sky, a land old as time, and people who make you feel like you've known them all your life. Getting here is half the fun with modern ferry service from Cape Breton Island and Atlantic Canada to the ports of Argentia and Port aux Basques.

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Mudder's Kitchen offers a wide array of your favourite foods - at reasonable prices

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